How to convert Sodexo into GCash

Two of the most common electronic payment methods in the Philippines are Gcash and Sodexo GC. Gcash is an electronic wallet that lets users transfer and receive money as well as make purchases online. On the contrary, a prepaid gift card called a Sodexo GC may be used to buy items and services. Users are able to take advantage of the ease of digital payments by converting Sodexo GC to Gcash, which is a simple process.

Mobile wallets like GCash have become more and more popular in recent years thanks to the digital age. In the Philippines, GCash is a mobile wallet which allows users to pay for goods and services, send money, and buy loads for their cell phones. Because of the ease it offers, Filipinos frequently choose it.

On the other hand, Sodexo is an international supplier of service coupons that offers lunch and gift cards to employees. Converting a Sodexo voucher to GCash is an easy way to turn it into cash if you have one.

Steps to Change Sodexo Into G Cash

Step 1:Check your Sodexo balance as the first step.

Checking your Sodexo balance is essential before converting your Sodexo discount to GCash. To do this, go to the Sodexo website or contact their customer care number. Check that the coupon is still in effect and has not yet expired.

Step 2: Connect GCash With Your Sodexo Account

The next step is to link your Sodexo account to your GCash account after you verified your Sodexo balance. This is how you do it:

Open the GCash app.

Select ‘Cash-In’ from the menu.

‘Remittance’ tab should be enabled.

‘Sodexo’ should be selected.

Your Sodexo voucher number must be supplied together with the amount you wish to exchange.

To confirm the transaction, click “Next.”

The next step is to change your Sodexo balance to GCash.

Your Sodexo balance may now be changed to GCash after linking your Sodexo account to GCash.

As follows:

Install the GCash app.

Pick ‘Cash-In’ from the menu.

Choose the ‘Remittance’ tab.

Select “Sodexo.”

Enter your Sodexo coupon number and the amount you wish to redeem.

Confirm the transaction by selecting “Next”.

Tips And Tricks

Check the validity of your Sodexo coupons

Check the validity of your Sodexo coupons before trying to use it for GCash because Sodexo coupons have an expiration date.Expired coupons are no longer valid and cannot be converted to GCash.

Take advantage of GCash promotions

The GCash app frequently offers promotions where users may get cashback or discounts.In order to maximize your savings when converting your Sodexo voucher to GCash, keep an eye out for these exclusive deals.

Avoid fraudulent transactions

Be on alert for con artists who could attempt to deceive you into giving them the information for your GCash account. Always ensure that you are transacting with official GCash channels.

How long does the Sodexo to Gcash translation take?

Usually, the converting procedure lasts a few minutes. However, the time it takes may vary based on your internet connection and other external factors.

The most that can be converted is what amount?

The maximum conversion value may vary, however it often falls between Php 1,000 and 10,000.

Does it cost anything to convert Sodexo to Gcash?

For modifying Sodexo to GCash, there are no expenses. But Sodexo can charge a fee to use the certificates.


the matter up, converting your Sodexo coupon to GCash is a practical, effortless, and cost-effective choice for people looking to convert their certificates into cash. You may quickly convert your gift cards to GCash and profit from its advantages by following the simple steps and advice we’ve given in this blog article.