Which of the following statement is true?

Which of the following statement is true?

The following stumps the best of us: which statement is true? It seems like a simple one, but trust me it can be more difficult than searching for keys in a bag of popcorn. It often feels as if everybody, from a student staring vacantly at a multiple-choice exam to someone just trying to understand the greater mysteries of life is engaged in an endless round of “Truth or Dare” with what they think (or have been told) about the world vs. what can actually be verified through evidence and experience.

Understanding the Basics

What we are working with Before going into deep details lets sum up what is it that We have here. A statement is true if it corresponds to the way things are. Simple enough, right? 59– Calling it like you see it is Saying, “The sky is blue” on a cloudless day._OF COURSE IT IS? But, let you say “The sky is green” then maybe it’s time to get your colorblind checked out or that last thing you ate was just very BAD.

The Fun Side of Truth

Things get fun in the world of seeking truth. For example, pretend you are at a party and someone comes up to you saying “ hey I met this pink unicorn that happens to absolutely love pizza”. Laughter seeds) Sounds like it could almost be the premise of some sci-fi sitcom, but you might want to dust if with a bit of suspicion. If only because the aliens, if they are anywhere, probably aren’t rising to meet their local Domino’s delivery person any time soon.

How to Tell Whether Statements Reflect Reality

You have to do a bit of detective work in order to separate the truth from the hyperbole. Imagine you are a detective of truth (you do not need to go out and get a trench coat, but maybe a magnifying glass if that is your theme). Here are a few tips that can assist you in your pursuit of the truth:

Investigate the Facts: A detective would not press any charges without some and should you. For instance, if someone says “Cats can fly” you might feel the need to ask when they last saw their magician or which strain of catnip are they on.

Check the Source: Who Said This? Or is it from your neighbor that tried to convice you one day his garden gnome was really a wizard? Credibility matters. This is no different than figuring out whether to trust your wise old aunt or that cousin who thinks the moon landing was fake and made in Hollywood.

Consistent with Past Statements: The statements considered are likely true as they have a solid foundation in the character’s recall. If a person says to you, “I can run faster than the cheetah”, then maybe they will want to see him yourself — unless satisfied with how he eat dust.

Apply Logic: Use some logic on the statement. Just because someone says,All birds can swim, doesnt that sound like a ridiculous stereotyping?

Real-World Examples

Here are a couple of real-world statements and lets see which ones hold true:

The Earth orbits the Sun, and this is a fact. As sure as grandma’s meatloaf. The sun orbits the Earth, which is how we have days and nights. If anyone has ever told you differently, they may be confusing Astronomy for their Chicken Little breakfast regime.

Now Humans don’t need a special device to breathe in water. This one’s false. You cannot breathe underwater, unless you have gills or superior breath-holding ability. You are going to have problems if you are under water and holding your breath — not history being made.

“Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a BEAN, that makes it a VEGGIE.” False again. Yes, it may fullfill the fantasy of some veggie haters out there, but let´s make clear that chocolate is made from cacao beans not your regular salad options. If you hear otherwise, they are likely trying to push some new nondescript “healthy” snack that is really not as healthy or delicious.

Why It Matters

But there are reasons beyond mere academics that we need to know what is true and not. It aids you in better decision making every day. Would you really live forever, if you thought that “eating an entire pizza will make your life eternal”? Although, sure you will love the Pizza — but that does not happen to increase your human life at all. And the Truth will set you free so hopefully I learn and do not try to teach my cat fetch

A Touch of Humor Goes A Long Way

This journey is incomplete without laughter. Reality can be crazier than fiction and a good laugh is the remedy for all that. Like if someone was to say, “I possess complete mastery of time travel,” and they are not a sci-fi character you probably need smile politely before stepping back slowly.

Wrapping It Up

Therefore, the answer is clear when confronted with: Which of the following statements are true? Remember, your inner detective. Examine the evidence, verify your sources by word and deed, check for consistency, add a little logic. And, for the love of baby Jesus in a flame war on Twitter light some candles and pray that those absurdities will remain laughable. In a world where we do not take everything so seriously because after all — life is too short, and that even applies to the pursuit of truth. With that, slap on your metaphorical detective hat and jump right into the realm of statements as long may your journey to truth serve enlightening (and humourous)!

And there you have it — a simple recipe to determine what is in so many cases the exact truth) of something Truth often looks like​ ​a broken Rubik’s Cube)((((. So whether you doubt a dubious claim, or are simply showing off to your friends in light of the new glory bestowed upon you, remember both that being on the correct side of truth is far more rewarding and entertaining.